Sunday, August 23, 2015

~April 21, 2015~

car accident through devins eyes

so after school on April 21 i was leaving school and came to a stop light. I stopped a little too close to the car in front of me. I let go of my brake when the light turned green and hit the car. me and aubree felt a little bump. we looked at eachother and asked if we hit that car. we laughed and said a couple cuss words. then the lady got out of her car super pissed. "DO YOU WANT TO CALL THE POLICE OR DO YOU WANT ME TO?! NEVERMIND I WILL. I didn't reply and she called the cops. based off of how she looked at out cars it seemed like I made a huge dent in her car so I didn't look. I called my dad and he didn't answer so I called garrison and asked him what I was supposed to do and he helped me feel better about it. everyone passing was trying to look and me and I felt so scared. the cops got there and had me give them my info then fill out some paperwork. then the cop came and said I don't even know why this lady is wasting our time here. after I heard that I decided to look at the damage. I got out and LITERALLY NOT A SINGLE SCRATCH! so then my dad got there we ran to eachother and hugged my dad looked at our cars and she left. they gave me my ticket and I started bawling. me and AUBS got in the car and laughed and I cried. it was an interesting day I stayed strong for most of it.

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